Natasha Moraga

Creative director

Natasha has had plenty of jobs in life, but the only one that ever worked out wasn’t really a job at all… turns out it was her entire purpose for being... creating art.

Hailing from a large family complete with proud mother, stern father, and dearly missed grandfather, Nat has never been without inspiration. Her grandfather was a sculptor, with the best workshop and the most fun materials. As a little girl she’d love to be there with him and hear his stories.

She left home when she was just 15; parts of her life had already begun to fracture, but she had yet to learn how to arrange the broken pieces in a logical way. She didn’t yet see that her gift was exactly that… a gift...  but she’d get there.

Over the next several years she spearheaded several public mosaic installations: the giant mosaic PUERTO VALLARTA letters, projects in the marina, and of course Episode 1: the Pino Suarez School Wall.

In all her projects, community has become the centerpiece. Making art for the community. Drawing inspiration from people, and inspiring them in kind.

Just like a mosaic installation comes together one tile at a time, so too has her life become something to cherish, one piece at a time. Beautifully flawed fragments coming together to create something larger, with recognizable patterns, and a different picture entirely if you allow enough perspective.
